Recirculating chiller



Reliable, energy-saving circulating cooler

  • Power range: 5 - 80 kW
  • Application: Water, oil and emulsion
  • Compact:  5 - 28 kW on 0.5 m² base; up to 80 kW power in only 1 m²
  • Optimized: Optional equipping with HYFRA FleXX technology ensures optimized operation and additional control options

The new Microchannel Evaporator

Decide in favor of greater efficiency and reliability

With our new innovative microchannel evaporator for cooling oil and emulsion your processes will get even more efficient:

  • Higher efficiency, lower operating costs
  • Simple maintenance and fast service
  • Trouble-free operation
  • Environmentally friendly

Thanks to a great number of small microchannels, its heat-exchanging surface is significantly larger than that of conventional evaporators. This leads to even more efficiency in cooling the oil and emulsion in your system. With our innovative microchannel evaporator, you will require significantly less refrigerant as well.

For our HYFRA Alpha and HYFRA Gamma product families, the microchannel evaporator is available in the 5-16 kW performance class with immediate effect.

Other clients were looking for our HYFRA Sigma industrial water chillers.

HYFRA Alpha c

Your introduction to efficient circulating chillers

  • Power range: 5 - 16 kW
  • Application: Water, oil and emulsion (clean)
  • Cost-optimized: Entry-level model; can be upgraded as required
  • Highly compact: Up to 40% lower height than the HYFRA Alpha series
  • Plug & play: Ready for immediate use



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