Portable chillers –
reliable cooling in changing locations.

Mobile chillers support flexible applications

Portable chillers are suitable for a wide range of applications with variable cooling requirements in terms of location or time. HYFRA's chillers reliably cover the special requirements in this area with their features.

Portable chiller requirements

Short product life cycles, small and medium-sized series, and spatially distributed work steps determine production in many places today. At the same time, high cost pressure requires efficient utilization of the production area with precise planning of the machine layout. These factors result not only in requirements for the production machines, but also for the cooling of the respective application.

To make efficient use of space in production, a chiller should provide cooling capacity in the smallest possible space. Adjustments to the machine layout and changing cooling requirements at different locations also frequently require the transport of a chiller. This means that the chiller must be mobile. Compact chillers that can be quickly assembled, disassembled and connected are particularly suitable for such applications. The integration of all chiller components in one unit additionally facilitates the transport of the chiller.

The right models for changing applications

The reliable chillers of the HYFRA Alpha, HYFRA Sigma and HYFRA eChilly/eChilly+ series house all essential components for cooling in their robust housing. They impress with compact dimensions and can be installed quickly via their standard connections.

The continuous chillers of the HYFRA Alpha series cool water, oil or emulsion. Like the cooling water recirculating chillers of the HYFRA Sigma series, they achieve cooling capacities from 5 to 28 kW (1.5 tons to 7.5 tons) on an installation area of only 0.5 m² and capacities up to 80 kW (22.5 tons) on an area of 1 m². The cooling water chillers are also available with higher capacities up to 320 kW (90 tons). The Alpha c and Sigma c models of both series are also available with a reduced overall height.

The cooling water-based recirculating chillers of the HYFRA eChilly/eChilly+ series are even more compact. With footprints of 0.3 to 0.6 m² and overall heights of 37 cm to 52 cm (15 inches to 21 inches), they fit into numerous machine layouts. The robust minichillers provide outputs from 1 kW to 6 kW (3,500 Btu/hr to 20,500 Btu/hr).

Chillers with individual orientation

With chillers from HYFRA, customers benefit from innovative functions and from a close exchange with the supplier. In this way, they get an efficient and suitably matched chiller.

Innovative technology for efficient cooling

Despite their small dimensions, HYFRA chillers provide highly efficient cooling with innovative functions. For example, units with the microchannel evaporator require up to 70% less refrigerant due to the special design. When FleXX technology is used, the refrigerant requirement is also reduced. Chillers with this option flexibly adapt the operation of the expansion valve, compressor and fan to the cooling requirements of the application. In this way, they save up to 30% energy. At the same time, the temperature in these units can be controlled very precisely with an accuracy of up to 0.1 K.

Targeted adaptation to customer needs

In close coordination with the customer, HYFRA specifically adapts the chillers to a wide variety of applications. For special customer requirements, HYFRA's engineers will also develop a completely customized chiller solution on request. From the concept to the ready-to-use chiller, the customer receives all services from a single source. This keeps the project time manageable. Sometimes a new area of application for a mobile cooler also leads to new requirements for the unit. In such cases, HYFRA quickly adapts the chiller to the new environment with modification kits.

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What is the empty weight of the chillers?

The unladen weight of the chillers increases with their cooling capacity. At outputs of 5 kW to 28 kW (1.5 tons to 7.5 tons), units of the HYFRA Alpha and HYFRA Sigma series weigh between 170 kg and 250 kg (375 lbs to 550 lbs). At an output of 80 kW (22.5 tons), the weight is 440 kg (970 lbs) (HYFRA Sigma) or 480 kg (1,060 lbs) (HYFRA Alpha). The more compact variants HYFRA Alpha c and HYFRA Sigma c weigh 114 kg to 130 kg (250lbs to 290 lbs). The minichillers in the HYFRA eChilly/eChilly+ series weigh between 55 kg and 90 kg (120 lbs to 200 lbs).

How are the chillers prepared for changing applications?

The chillers have various features that facilitate their assembly, disassembly and transport. For example, the models of the HYFRA Alpha and HYFRA Sigma series are equipped with four crane lugs on the top. This allows the units to be easily removed from the plant floor using conventional lifting technology and integrated into another application. Standard connections, for example for the fresh water, also ensure fast installation at the new site.

We are happy to help you to find the right cooler for your requirements.

Our product range of mobile chillers

The mobile chillers of the HYFRA Alpha, HYFRA Sigma and HYFRA eChilly/eChilly+ series are suitable for a wide range of applications thanks to their compact design. They combine all essential components in one unit, are mobile and quickly ready for operation thanks to their standard connections. We will be happy to assist you in selecting the right cooler.


Just ask us for your portable chiller!


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